3D Building on MapBox
A 3D and Web project that demonstrates how to display 3D buildings on a map using React, TypeScript, MapBox, and Deck.gl.
A 3D and Web project that demonstrates how to display 3D buildings on a map using React, TypeScript, MapBox, and Deck.gl.
A 3D project that creates an interactive Earth model using React, TypeScript, and Three.js.
A Web and Dashboard project featuring an Admin Dashboard built with React, TypeScript, Node, Express, and MongoDB.
A web application that allows users to search for products on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy using a single search bar.
AI-Powered IDE built with React, Monaco Editor, TypeScript, and OpenAI.
A Web and Tool project that visualizes algorithms, built with React, Next.js, TypeScript, and Mantine UI.
Collection of best coding practices for Algorithms, Cloud Services, System Design, Software Development, Frontend Development, and Backend Development.
A Web and Tool project that simulates a classroom blackboard with drawing, chalk style, and chalk audio, built with React, Redux, Canvas API, TypeScript, and Fabric.js.
A dashboard for managing finance, built with React, TypeScript, Next.js, and Honojs.
A web application project that replicates the Google Meet platform using React, TypeScript, WebRTC, and Socket.IO.
A Web and Dashboard project that tracks API usage, built with TypeScript, Next.js, and Mantine UI.
A web application clone of Trello, built with TypeScript, React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS for styling, Stripe for payments, PrismaDB, and MySQL for database management.
A Web, AI, and SaaS project for building an AI platform, developed with TypeScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, PrismaDB, Tailwind CSS, and Stripe.
An AI and Tool project focused on generating images using AI, built with React, TypeScript, Midjourney, MongoDB, Express, and Node.js.
An AI and Tool project designed to scale images using AI, built with React, TypeScript, Bytescale, Replicate, Vercel, Next.js, Auth.js, Upstash, and Redis.
An AI and SaaS application that generates copy, branding snippets, and keywords using AI, built with React, TypeScript, Python, AWS, and OpenAI.
An AI and SaaS project that provides a chatbot service built with React, TypeScript, MongoDB, Express, Node, and OpenAI.
An AI and Chatbot project focused on voice interaction, built with React, TypeScript, FastAPI, and OpenAI.
A 3D, AI, and E-Commerce project that features a 3D shop website powered by AI, built with React, TypeScript, Three.js, and OpenAI.
A mobile application project that replicates the Airbnb mobile experience using TypeScript, Expo, Reanimated, and Clerk.
A web application project that replicates the Airbnb platform using React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, MongoDB, and NextAuth.
A Web and Tool project for scraping Amazon prices, built with TypeScript and Next.js.
A mobile application project that replicates the Apple Wallet experience using TypeScript, React Native, and Reanimated.
A web application project that replicates the Booking.com platform using Oxylabs, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Storybook, and ShadCN.
A Blockchain, DApp, and Web3 project for currency exchange, built with TypeScript, Web3.js, Solidity, Ethers.js, React, GraphQL, and Apollo.
A web application project that replicates the Duolingo platform using React, TypeScript, Next.js, Drizzle, and Stripe.
A Web and Dashboard project that integrates e-commerce functionality with a dashboard, built with React, TypeScript, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, PrismaDB, and MySQL.
A Web and SaaS project for managing finance, built with React, TypeScript, Next.js, and Honojs.
A Fullstack Web project built with the MERN stack, incorporating React, TypeScript, Node.js, GraphQL, Apollo, Docker, MongoDB, Express, NestJS, and Tailwind CSS.
A mobile application project that replicates the iMessage experience using React Native, TypeScript, and Stream.
A mobile application project that replicates the Instagram app experience using React Native, TypeScript, Firebase, Formik, and Yup.
A Web and Tool project for converting JSON data, built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Mantine UI.
A mobile application project that replicates the LinkedIn app experience using React Native, TypeScript, and Stepzen.
A Web and Tool project for editing Markdown, built with TypeScript, Next.js, and Mantine UI.
A web application project that replicates the Messenger platform.
A web application project that replicates the Miro platform using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, PrismaDB, MongoDB, NextAuth, and Pusher.
A Mobile and Game project for creating a multiplayer game, built with React Native, TypeScript, Supabase, and Skia.
A Web and Game project for creating a multiplayer Tic-Tac-Toe game, built with React, TypeScript, Socket.io, and Node.js.
A web application project that replicates the Netflix platform using TypeScript, React, Tailwind CSS, NextAuth, Next.js, PrismaDB, MongoDB, and Vercel.
A Web and Tool project for building a real-time notification system, utilizing TypeScript, React, Next.js, Mantine UI, GraphQL, Apollo Client, PostgreSQL, Redis, WebSockets, Helm, GitHub Actions, Nginx, Let's Encrypt, and Vercel.
A web application project that replicates the Notion platform using React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, NextAuth, and Convex.
A Web and Tool project that provides a performance checklist for React applications, built with React, TypeScript, Next.js, Mantine UI, Firestore, and NextAuth.
A Web, AI, and SaaS project for building a REST API-driven AI service, using TypeScript, NestJS, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and PrismaDB.
A Web and SaaS project for building automation tools, utilizing TypeScript, React, Next.js, Clerk, Stripe, and Bun.
A Web and SaaS project for building websites, using TypeScript, React, Next.js, Stripe, PrismaDB, MySQL, and Bun.
A web application project that replicates the Spotify platform using TypeScript, React, Stripe, Supabase, PostgreSQL, and Tailwind CSS.
A mobile app for tracking stock prices, built with TypeScript, React Native, Expo, and GraphQL using IBM StepZen for data management.
A mobile clone of Telegram, built with TypeScript, React Native, Expo, Stream for messaging, and Supabase for backend services.
A mobile application clone of Uber, built with TypeScript, React Native, and Expo for cross-platform development. Includes Redux for state management, Tailwind CSS for styling, and Google AutoComplete API for location services.
A decentralized application (DApp) for voting, built with Solidity and Truffle for smart contracts, and React with TypeScript for the front-end.
This is a mobile application replicating the core features of WhatsApp, including messaging, chat management, and notifications, built with React Native and Expo.
While we maintain a strong commitment to open-source principles, certain solutions incorporate proprietary algorithms, advanced AI implementations, or possess significant commercial potential. In these instances, access is limited to demonstration environments to protect intellectual property and maintain competitive advantage.